motovlogger | motorcycle travels coast to coast | living on a budget | NonProfit 501(C)(3) Pay It Forward
100 proof of Ornery with a double shot of Love
Join us as we ride border to border & coast to coast while making our way to The Best Party Anywhere: Sturgis Buffalo Chip! We will be riding roughly 11,000 miles from Maryland to California via HWY 50 the "Loneliest Road in America" and Texas to New York via HWY 62 the only US Highway that runs border to border.

You can participate in several ways & WIN!!!
We will be making 6 "booty drops" across the US via our outlined route. There will be hints and clues to where an Ornery One token will be hidden. Recover these tokens & WIN big!! Mark "going" on our Facebook Event page to stay up to date with hints, clues, details & all of the insights!

"booty drops"
Each 'booty drop' map below will direct you to the Facebook event page for each drop so you can stay up to date on hints, phrases, & clues!
Loot #1
This place that I’m at is fairly new as they branched from a neighboring state.
If I was to pick a number 1-500… I would pick 410.
“__________ steak”
Winner: Antony Martinez
Location: Rommel Harley-Davidson
Loot #2
My last visit with this person - they sat silent & still.
Trade name or familiar name... both are "on-target"
"like mother like son"
ONLINE: Who am I?
Winner: Mike Langford
Answer: Doc Holliday
Loot #3
“lucky 13”
Jack Black one of Stephanie’s favorite actors….. ”In order to consume its powers you must climb that cliff & ___________?
The booty is in the only nest along I-5
Loot #4
There is money on the corner!
ONLINE: Name place & address
Winner: Angelee Warner
Answer: Cuentas Nuevas 400 S Stanton El Paso, TX
Loot #5
"Never Eat Soggy Waffles" it's the SOGGY that breaks it for me!
It is always a good time at Pig Trail Harley-Davidson
LOCATION: Pig Trail Harley-Davidson
Winner: Chad & Brandy Atnip
Location: Behind the Harley-Davidson clock on the South Wall
Loot #6
It's your John Hancock... large & bold!
There is something COURAGEOUS happening here on 8/20
ESTIMATED LOCATION: near the Canada Border
Loot #7
FIRST PERSON TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. Each answer will need to be TAGGED here on Facebook. Meaning when you answer the question - you need to tag/mention their Facebook Page.
1) Name all of the "hangouts" aka Meet N Greets that we are doing in Sturgis.
2) Name the location of where we are staying during the rally!
3) What channel is our Rally News on?
ONLINE: Facebook Post
Winner: Brandy Kuntz
You must solve the hints & clues to find the Ornery One token which will be valued anywhere between $50 to $250.
To be declared the winner of the loot: you must post a picture including location of hidden token, yourself & the actual token as well as tag on social media the required tags. (listed in each loot description below)
Only one winner per loot
Cannot win more than one loot
No purchase necessary to participate