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motovlogger | motorcycle travels coast to coast | living on a budget | NonProfit 501(C)(3) Pay It Forward
100 proof of Ornery with a double shot of Love
Border2Border Coast2Coast: bcXbc22
We are riding 11,000 miles coast to coast & border to border along the backroads of America!!
This is our journey & we would love to share it with you!! YOU CAN WIN DURING OUR RIDE TOO!
Leaving Arkansas we will visit our friends at Memphis Shades, KST Kustoms & Custom Dynamics while making our way over to Ocean City Maryland to ride Highway 50 over to Sacramento California then drop down to El Paso Texas at the Mexico border and ride up to the Canada border in New York then we will head over to Sturgis for the best party anywhere happening at Sturgis Buffalo Chip!

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