Daytona Bike Week is kicking off the 2023 Riding Season with it's 82nd anniversary rally! The official dates are March 3 - 12, 2023! We will be hanging out with all our friends at Bruce Rossmeyer's Dayt..... oh wait! *MESS-UP #1 Let me correct myself: We will be hanging out with all our friends at Teddy Morse's Daytona Harley-Davidson!
Saying the correct name of Daytona Harley-Davidson is going to be just as hard as correcting myself when I would write 2022 instead of 2023 during the whole month of January!
Here are a few events that we will be sure to attend:
Flying Piston Benefit Breakfast - March 6 at 9am at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
Hangout at Custom Dynamics - March 6 at noon at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
Hangout at KST - March 7 at noon at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
Hangout at Khrome Werks - March 7 at 2pm at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
WIllie's Chopper Time Chopper Show - March 9 at 11am at Willie's Tropical Tattoo
Hangout at Memphis Shades - March 10 at noon at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
Hangout at Mustang Seats - March 10 at 2pm at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
Rusty Wallace Bike Giveaway from All Kids Bike - March 11 at noon at at Teddy Morse's Destination Daytona
