The friendships you'll make in the motorcycle community are among some of the BEST friendships that Steph & I have made in our entire lives! The Buffalo Chip recently asked me "Who is your Chip Fam?"
"I’ve always said Sturgis Buffalo Chip is the colosseum of the motorcycle world! The Chip is a renowned symbol of “ALL THINGS MOTORCYCLE!” For me; it has an undeniable energy about it as if it’s almost spiritual. Steph & I keep coming back because of the memories we’ve made together here. It is knowing & looking forward to seeing all the family we have made over the past years - the Buffalo Chip is there for us to keep making new friends & new memories.
If I were to narrow down my reasonings for coming back to The Chip year after year… these would be my 5 reasons:
1: The Biker Culture
2: Surround myself with like-minded people
3: The ability to be who you are
4: Being part of the motorcycle history
5: The one time of the year we all come together to celebrate the life of the biker… the biker lifestyle.
Each year we embrace the experience of the Buffalo Chip. Sturgis 2023: 72 hours of rain turned us into being the kids without any parental supervision. For 3 days straight we bouncing from one camp to another on our mini bikes just playing in the mud & loving every bit! Being part of spontaneous dance parties in the middle of stranger’s campsites… they just didn’t know that they were going to be our best friends! Putting yourself in the middle of the action. Becoming part of the entertainment not just watching!
Overall, coming to the Buffalo Chip… you are sealing your fate of being part of history. The motorcycle history that is being told at this moment! This is where Friendships in the Motorcycle Community are made!
With that being said; it’s our special home for several weeks each year. The Buffalo Chip history in the making… come be part of it!"
-TJ Thompson
The Ornery One
