With a bit more followers these past few months; I figured it would be a great opportunity to tell you a little bit of history as to who we are & why we do what we do as well as how the hell we got here!
Riding motorcycles isn't just a hobby for TJ & I... which we have learned the stories of so many other riders & there is a common thread; IT IS THERAPY! We have been through health struggles, financial setbacks, family ordeals & life in general. Haven't we all?
Just a couple of motorcyclists from Arkansas trying to enjoy this thing we call a "ride"
Flash back to 2013 with me
Something tragic happened for us to be able to take this opportunity, you see in November 2013 we were faced with the dreadful news that I had a tumor in the 4th ventricle of my brain and needed emergency brain surgery. We had only a weekend to spend time with our loved ones, swallow the 50/50 chance of life or death, plan accordingly, prepare for 5-7 months of unemployment, fight insurance companies, explain the situation to our children, and somehow keep our own minds positive and not crumble from the stress and fear. These trials taught us to live on so much less than the average U.S. household, travel light, and build a tiny house to reside in! We consider this scare a blessing in disguise and are so thankful that it happened.
This is also where motorcycles have always played a part our life—two wheels help TJ cope with reality and calm the psychobabble that goes on in his head. TJ alwayed had some sort of motorcycle. Well, let’s be truthful, TJ always had some sort of rat bike that was hard tailed rigid, pieced together by old hand-me-down parts and fabricated from what he had laying around. Still today, we have our old rat bike. She has grown to be a machine loved by so many, and is now lovingly called “Maxwell House Chopper”.
In 2018, we were able to pick up a used 2015 Road Glide which was like riding a recliner compared to the hard tails that we had been buzzing around town on. It was this “new” bike that we are able to tour the country and take on new adventures. However, During Daytona Bike Week 2019 in Daytona Florida, our bike was stolen from Main Street along with 47 other motorcycles during the rally. But with the love & support of our friends/family both on social media & in person we were able to get back on two wheels after only 5 weeks. Those 5 weeks were very worrisome & difficult. We had to deal with insurance, the police department as well as Harley-Davidson finance services. Lots of lessons were learned during this experience such as types of insurance. Long story short... we are back on two wheels!!
We both rely on RIDING for mental health, friendship, stress reliever & of course brotherhood/sisterhood.

It was during this point in our lives that we had realized the adversities that we had both overcome & it wouldn't have been possible if it was for fellow bikers & motorcycle enthusiasts. At the moment, we wanted to GIVEBACK & Pay It Forward!! We started doing a few Pay It Forward events & eventually became an officially 501(c)(3) approved nonprofit.

Biker's Pay It Forward: Our values and missions are not only to promote family values, promote rider safety but to enhance our fellow bikers involvement in their local communities. Our "Pay It Forward" events were created for just that! Our motorcycle journeys have allowed us the ability to cultivate & expand our own motorcycle community & return the helping hand that was given to us in our time of need!
Fast forward to now:
Not only are we focusing on Pay It Forward to our motorcycle community and culture but also paying respect to all those riders that can't necessary ride alone or are passengers out of their own decision! Through all of the health issues that I have had there was a decision to be made... I was NOT going to give up riding motorcycles & enjoying the benefits of riding but I was & still am struggling with equilibrium issues including vertigo & dizziness. Therefore, I have decided to focus on that "back seat driver" position that I like to call myself. That is how Support2UP was born!
This is a platform that encourages and supports the rider & the passenger. MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) states that the passenger is an active rider on the motorcycle…. This is what I want passengers & 2up riders to feel! I want them to feel that they are an active rider & NOT a backrest.

With our (The Ornery One) online community growing; I have had several individuals & couples reach out to me personally regarding riding 2up. You all know that TJ & I ride 2up everywhere & I no longer ride solo due to Vertigo & Neurological disorders with my equilibrium from a Brain Tumor. My goal is to give a platform that focuses on the passenger aspect of motorcycle riding. Several “motorcycle riding courses” do not offer a passenger course or resources that provide preparation, tips, skills & experience for riders that choose to ride with a passenger. I would love to see that change in the future but until then we need to provide the 2UP community with some resources!
I love this idea!! I too know how to operate a motorcycle but I choose to be a passenger! I would love to help in any way I can with this!!