New year means new adventures & new changes which allows us to experience new & exciting things but for you too! There are a few changes that we wanted to make in order for us to be more available to the motorcycle community & to you: our friends of the road!
We changed our weekly LIVEstream from Friday nights to Tuesday nights for a few reasons. First reason is the wifi while on the road or at rallies/events... wifi is spotty even with a second hotspot that we carry with us. Second reason is that everyone is so busy on Friday nights including us! These two reasons alone were enough to make the change & everything felt right to name it the "new & improved" LIVEstream: TWR - Talk It Walk It Ride It.... :)

We are going to be hosting more guided rides in our great state of Arkansas!! If you are planning a motorcycle trip to Arkansas for the first time or returning to Arkansas then please let us know! We would love to show you a few roads or share some recommendations with you!

We will still be attending some of the major rallies... no doubt but we will be doing more within Arkansas & showcasing the rides that we have to offer along with some damn good food! We appreciate all of our friends that have been there from day 1 & all of the new friends that we have met along this journey! Here is to 2023 Riding Season... let make it a strong one! We will see you out on the road! #stayornery
