motovlogger | motorcycle travels coast to coast | living on a budget | NonProfit 501(C)(3) Pay It Forward
100 proof of Ornery with a double shot of Love

Just a couple of motorcyclists from Arkansas trying to enjoy this thing we call a ride: Something tragic happened for us to be able to take this opportunity, you see in November 2013 we were faced with the dreadful news that Stephanie, my wife, had a tumor in the 4th ventricle of her brain and needed emergency brain surgery. We had only a weekend to spend time with our loved ones, swallow the 50/50 chance of life or death, plan accordingly, prepare for 5-7 months of unemployment, fight insurance companies, explain the situation to our children, and somehow keep our own minds positive and not crumble from the stress and fear. These trials taught us to live on so much less than the average U.S. household, travel light, and reside in our 640 square foot tiny house. We consider this scare a blessing in disguise and are so thankful that it happened.
This is also where motorcycles have always played a part in my life—two wheels help me cope with reality, and calms the psychobabble that goes on in my head. I have always had some sort of motorcycle. Well, let’s be truthful, I have had some sort of rat bike that was hard tailed, pieced together by old hand me down parts and fabricated from what I had laying around. Still today, we have our old rat bike. She has grown to be a machine loved by so many, and is now lovingly called “Maxwell House”.
In 2018, we were able to pick up a used 2015 Road Glide which was like riding a recliner compared to the hardtails that I had been buzzing around town on. It was this “new” bike that we are able to tour the country and takeon new adventures.
During Daytona Bike Week 2019 in Daytona Florida, our bike was stolen from Main Street along with 47 other motorcycles during the rally. However with the love & support of our friends/family both on social media & in person we were able to get back on two wheels after only 5 weeks. Those 5 weeks were very worrisome & difficult. We had to deal with insurance, the police department as well as Harley-Davidson finance services. Lots of lessons were learned during this experience such as types of insurance. Long story short... we are back on two wheels and are now officially a 501(3)(c) non profit: Biker's Pay It Forward! It was May 2019 that we purchased our current bike: 2019 Road Glide Special. You can find all of our adventures on our YouTube channel "The Ornery One" & subscribe to see all of our Pay It Forward Events as well as our riding adventures!
We appreciate everyone who has read our story & subscribed to our social media all while supporting us!! Your kind words mean a great deal to us & we are both so thankful to have you along our journey!

Biker's Pay It Forward
IRS 501(c)(3)
why we decided to establish
a Pay It Forward
The Ornery One, Inc & Biker's Pay It Forward
You may not know “The Ornery Ones” consists of my wife Stephanie, commonly referred to in the social media world as the “The Ornery Squaw,” and myself, TJ Thompson, affectionally known to everyone as “The Ornery One.” Stephanie and I have traveled on our motorcycle from coast-to-coast promoting our home state; Arkansas.
As you may already know our past and why our past got us to where we’re at today. However, here is a recap:
In November of 2013, Stephanie was diagnosed with a brain tumor in her 4th ventricle that required emergency brain surgery. This tragic event gave her a 50/50 chance of surviving the surgery and left me with the possibility of losing the love of my life, and the mother to our children. Although we lost all our material possessions through that battle; we gained one of the greatest gifts anyone could’ve ever imagined. We’ve gained a much bigger and brighter outlook on life itself! Seven years later, we’re both healthy and stronger than ever before. It was then when we decided to embark on our mutual dream of traveling the country on two wheels, all while helping others in need. Our motorcycle journeys have allowed us the ability to cultivate and expand our own motorcycle community.
Being so closely involved in the biker community and feeling the need to unite individual bikers into one big family, we decided we wanted to establish and continually promote a “Pay It Forward” campaign to promote bikers helping fellow bikers in need. We’ve now led multiple “Pay It Forward” campaigns at several different biker rallies. Each of these events gained the support from both residents, and our nationwide social media communities too. Our “Pay It Forward” campaigns have also promoted both the local businesses who’ve been involved in our efforts, as well as the national sponsors who’ve elected to participate in our campaigns. We’ve been featured on both the local radio and television stations where we’ve held our “Pay It Forward” campaigns as well. Along with their recognition, they’ve all contributed money or air time to enrich the life of that local person in need. It’s just like what our supporters did for us during our time of need!
As an example, our latest Pay It Forward was held over the holidays where we raised close to $20,000 for a local Arkansas family who has been faced with some extremely health issues. The Wilson family (Chris & Shanah Wilson: Harrison, AR) was on the verge of losing their “home” which was an apartment that they moved into after Chris Wilson was battling Colon Cancer during the last 4 years. Along with our national sponsors & our online following… we were able to raise close to 20K & we are proud to say that they are now homeowners of their own home! Chris Wilson has one less worry during these battles & knows that his wife & son will have a forever home.
We have organized eight Pay It Forward events during the last three years in which four of those Pay It Forward events were families/individuals right here in Arkansas. Arkansas is our home & we take great pride in our homeland! We are very proud of where we have come from & extend that gratitude to all motorcyclists that we met to encourage them to ride our roads & take in the beauty that Arkansas has to offer!
The Ornery One, Inc. / Biker's Pay It Forward is an official tax-deductible non-profit 501C status & our mission is to promote family values, promote rider safety, enhance our fellow bikers involvement in their local communities, to promote the overall lifestyle as well as help the individual bikers residing in those communities who’re desperately in need of a helping hand.
100 proof of Ornery and a double shot of Love!!